The Inner Guidance Center

A Training Program with Robin Emmerich

What is The Inner Guidance Center Training Program?

It’s a movement – a movement to connect the mind and heart.

At its core, the Inner Guidance Center (IGC) training program is about helping people to become the best versions of themselves.

IGC helps people to identify and release the blocks holding them back from achieving what they want so that they can create the lives they desire. Based on a technique called regression, this program focuses on the healing the soul by healing the past, present and future. Regression is a process of unlocking past events so that the clients can identify and release the ones that no longer serve them while working to reinforce the positive past experiences.

Dr. Coletta Long, a pioneer in the field of regression of over 65 years, created two comprehensive regression training manuals that incorporate her world-renowned energy release technique that transforms the mind, body, and soul. From working with thousands of clients, to exposing her healing techniques to many different countries, to attending numerous training programs, her work is invaluable to the study of regression.

We drew on this well of over 60 years of IGC knowledge, in addition to Dr. Coletta Long’s Regression Manual, to develop a training program. Life and wellness coaches, yoga instructors, massage therapists, empty-nesters, and more are experiencing the power of IGC to help clients uncover their passions, restore relationships, transform their careers, and to reclaim their lives.

“Investing in learning how to effectively conduct transformative regression sessions has not only changed my life for the better, but also given me the tools to support my clients through their transformation. Robin is a wonderful, supportive teacher who is available for support throughout the course and the certification process. I am so happy I chose this program.” – says transformational regression coach Kavita Melwani.

“I won’t ever stop offering the other types of healing work that I do but I think that what initially brought me to this work was past life regression and the healing that I experienced very quickly when I started to go through the process with Robin. I immediately knew that that was the same type of healing I wanted to offer to my clients because I felt like with some of the other modalities that I was using we were not making as quick of progress as I wanted to make or the client may have wanted to make, so I anticipate that this will be the core of what I offer with all the other modalities as well.” – Chrissy

“Dr. Coletta Long helped me immeasurably – before I started her past life work I was stuck and didn’t know how to get unstuck. Try as I might, I couldn’t get my personal life where I wanted it to be. I really wanted to be a wife and mother, but I couldn’t find a steady, normal guy. I wanted to start a business, but unexpected roadblocks would appear – e.g., the building needed to be re-zoned and the city council wouldn’t approve it! No matter what tool in my toolkit I applied (e.g., positive affirmations, meditation, business planning) – I was just stuck. Then I met Coletta and began doing past-life regression sessions, which focused on removing energy blocks from my past lives that were preventing me from moving forward in this one.  Two years after I first started session, I was engaged, had a new job and was able to start my own side business. Three years later I was pregnant and now have a wonderful child!” –says IGC student Rosemary Troxle

Ready to begin changing lives?

The IGC Curriculum is delivered in two parts:

Part 1: Non-Therapeutic Hypnosis and Regression Manual

This manual reveals how the subconscious mind is the key to mind, body, heart, spirit transformation. This is the in-depth work that helps people to clear the core root of the problem to reconnect to their heart and desires. The manuals reveal the steps to access one’s inner power and reclaim their life.

Part 2: 16-Week Audio Course

This course is delivered via downloadable MP3’s, through which instructor Robin Emmerich teaches the IGC methodology, how to conduct client sessions, tools she has learned along my journey as a student and practitioner, and example regression sessions. Participants will learn how their goals are achievable through their own intuition and how they can facilitate the journey for others.

Who needs this training?

We developed ICG for heart-centered entrepreneurs—those who want to make a difference in the world by serving others. If you love helping people, are committed to your own conscious evolution, and want to earn an income by empowering others, then you need IGC.

You can learn more about the coaches, healers, and other entrepreneurs already changing their lives and transformation for others here. 

What’s included in the training?

All the materials you need to learn IGC and to begin sharing the program with others, including: 


NOTE: 100 practice hours with completed evaluations and two client testimonials are required to become a certified IGC trainer. An additional ten personal hours are also required and can be included in the 100 practice hours.

A Note from Robin:

I’ll never forget the day that Dr. Coletta Long contacted me to ask me to carry on with her work in the field of regression. I was traveling to Assisi, Italy. As soon as I read her email, my heart leaped, and I called her from overseas. I knew then that wanted serve more people with my personal and professional experience. On that day, I committed to carry out IGC to empower the lives of others.

I am honored to carry out the legacy of my mentor, Dr. Coletta Long, and to transform thousands of lives through this work. After experiencing my own transformation in every area of my life through practicing regression, I feel called to share these life-changing tools with others. 

From a traditional corporate management career to a heart-centered, creative entrepreneur, this program is for people who want to learn, grow, evolve, and serve.

If you feel inspired to empower yourself in a deep, authentic, and powerful way, IGC is for you.

Robin Emmerich

If you feel called, welcome! I am so happy you are here!

All my love,