Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible. -Francis of Assisi

When the subconscious mind is trained to work with the conscious mind, the impossible is possible. The secret is to awaken the greatness within and give full expression to its power.

Nature is our greatest teacher. As the falls season arrives, we are reminded that all of life and nature are in constant change.The exquisite colors of the trees in transition symbolize rest and rebirth, a process required to train the subconscious and properly direct it to what you desire.

Rest is often necessary to build a solid foundation. Like the trunk of a tree, a solid foundation will support the growth required to express the greatness and power within. Allowing a natural flow just like the changing of the leaves will guide you to your fullest expression.

Today is a new beginning. An opportunity for a new thought, a new expression and new action. What is the one change that you desire today? What belief are you willing to let go of to awaken the power within you that is dying to be expressed?

Are you looking for restored health, an extraordinary relationship, or greater fulfillment in your career or are you simply craving to release unexpressed creativity, financial fears or the illusion of security? Whatever it might be, what do you need to let go of to step into your greatness?

May this be the season of stepping into your exquisite greatness.