This weekend I explored the unknown through a different lens. A friend of mine built a quadcopter with a video camera attached so we headed to the local park to test it out.  We were both excited to see what it could do and how far it could go. As the quadcopter took off, it proved itself to go high in the sky and far beyond our expectations. We were both excited to see what was captured.

As the camera flew behind us, it revealed a volleyball game and a highway. Needless to say, there was not too much action behind us. As it flew ahead, it crossed into the downtown area and we immediately found ourselves wondering, “What does it look like over there? What are the people doing?”

As we imagined the color of the skyline and number of ducks in the water, we began to paint a broader picture of action and potentiality than we were experiencing there in the park. Similar to life, when we look behind there is little to discover. However, when we choose to look ahead there is a whole world waiting to be unveiled. We create a picture that encompasses life in action and begin to move toward our goals and dreams.

What are you choosing in your life? Are you ready to see from a new lens? If you are ready to explore, the Creative Insight Journey begins June 25th at 7pm from the comfort of your own home. This personal transformation course is based on the famed Stanford University Master’s Degree Course, Creativity in Business and is a proven method to success. Limited seating available. Sign up here and open to new possibilities.