You’ve got the itch, something in your life could use a little excitement, change, or even fulfillment. So what’s holding you back? If you have identified the fears, negative beliefs or thoughts that are hindering you from moving towards something better, then rock on! If you are still hesitant or unsure of what that may look like, then take a few minutes and go back to Part One. These simple questions will help guide you to more effectively shift out of your comfort zone.
In order to grow, you must plant new seeds. Let’s go back to the example of our friend in our 30’s. She was craving new connections, but was afraid of rejection. She did experience a decrease in anxiety once she identified the fear, but she was not quite ready to make any life altering changes. If you don’t water the seeds how do you expect a garden? It’s not magic, it’s action.
Although her old friends were moderately fulfilling, she knew in order to blossom into her more fulfilled, happier self, she needed to start small. Too much change at once is hard for anyone, and can even create more anxiety. So she started out small, making little changes.
3 Simple Steps to Lasting Change
1. Finding Truth. Ask yourself, what is true? It is very difficult to create real change in your life without being honest with yourself. Our friend asked herself this question and realized that the fear of moving out of her comfort zone and possibly being rejected was just a fear in her mind.
2. Acceptance. Once you identify the truth, you have a choice to accept it and make a new choice, or ignore it and stay comfortable, which can be stunting to your personal growth. She decided to accept her truth and make a new choice. She was no longer willing to settle because she wanted to expand her network and try new activities she might enjoy.
3. Take One Action. If you choose to ignore what is true, you will stay in the space of resistance. Yes, you will stay stuck! Our friend decided to try a new social event. To her surprise, she met several new friends and even a romantic interest. Picking one or two things to try out are small shifts in the big picture.
These three steps can shift your life immediately and help you move to the next chapter. No matter where you are at in your life, if you are unhappy in any area, it is time to make a change, and it’s okay to start small. For our Austin friends there is an awesome way for you to take action, meet new friends, network, and get connected that is happening this month by Clean Slate.
Success stories can quickly unfold, just like our friend, through meeting and mingling with like-minded people, people who were seeking more from their everyday lives. Are you ready to take action? Our next blog will be Part III, how to connect with ease.
Join us at the second 2013 Clean Slate event April 23rd at BlackFinn Ameripub. The place to meet authentic personal and professional connections.
Much Love,
Robin Emmerich and Emily Roberts