love_yourself755f50Happy 2013!

As we ring in the new year, many of us strive to create our new year resolutions to motivate change in our life! We stick to these strict resolutions for a while and then beat ourselves up when we start to slack off.

Do new years resolutions really create happiness?

What if there was a new way?

I challenge you this year to start from the inside-out.

How? Begin with asking yourself, “What do I want to experience this year?” For example, what I want to experience is more peace in my heart, joy in my daily life, and strength in my mind and body. Knowing what I want to feel, I commit to doing my best to:

* take time out every day to connect to my heart
* say “yes” to what I really want to do
* exercise 4-5 days/ week

I know that if I miss a day of meditation, say yes to something I really did not want to do, or skip a workout… I do not have to beat myself up and give up! I can make a new choice to love myself and start over. Loving yourself is the key to living your best life. The power of intention and choice is true freedom. Live from the inside out this year and see your dreams come true!