We are always guided and supported. Do you believe it? One week ago I came across a social media post and connected with my dear friend, Christine Hassler. She was set to be in Costa Rica (for the exact same dates that I would be there!) to lead her adventure-filled, self-love retreat.

Fast forward to the last day on our retreat: I am in the ocean of Nosara, Costa Rica. I have a surfboard tied around my ankle and I’m about to ride my first wave. I thought, “OMG.. I am literally about to stand up on a surfboard and ride this wave.” With the hot master surf instructor next to me affirming that “I can do it,” I said to myself, “Robin, you can. Look at you. A girl who used to be afraid of water is here. Right now.” (Yes, I was the child that had an egg on my back because I was that afraid of swimming. I can remember a time that I was tubing and got pushed under water. I made my dad walk the rest of the way with me!)

Feeling a strong sense of love for myself, I listened to the instructor say, “Go”, paddled my board and rode the wave. On the third try, I easily stood up feeling strong and supported. In that moment, I remembered, “We are all truly guided and supported in each and every moment.” At one point, there was even another surfboard (an obstacle) in my path. I immediately trusted that the obstacle would be removed from my path. As my board slowly curved to the right of the obstacle, I felt the most freedom that I have ever felt in my life. I thought, “Just like life, when we see an obstacle as a gift, we find new meaning.” That board provided an opportunity to trust life.

I believe when we follow our hearts (which often requires riding the waves), we are led to the perfect opportunities to grow, to love, and to serve the world in a greater way. When we allow love in our hearts, we can spread it to the world. I invite you to take time to reflect right now: What is on your heart today? Where can you allow your heart to open more fully and live in flow with life? Pure Vida!