Last month I headed to Guatemala for the experience of a lifetime. Every day I help individuals connect to their most authentic self and create what they desire in life. That day, I witnessed an entire school system on a mission to teach children this way of living–to find their true calling and explore heart-centered entrepreneurship.
I found it fascinating as I walked into the school that the first images I saw were these powerful collages of both Walt Disney and Steve Jobs outlining their hero journeys. What was more fascinating was the energy I felt in the room. It felt so open, exciting and free.
After receiving a tour of the school, I walked into one of the several classrooms. I was immediately greeted by a beautiful, young girl who I saw darting across the room to give me a great big hug. I gave her a hug and we both smiled as she reached for my hand. The light within her heart was so bright it filled the entire room. My heart felt open and full, happy to accept and give back the gift of love.
Together, we listened to the guest speaker from the Ronald McDonald House. I learned that each week the school has a guest speaker available to teach the children how they can make a difference in the world. I was impressed to hear about the quantity and quality of speakers at the school, but what happened next was even more powerful.
Snack time was upon us and the children went to grab their lunchbox and play outside. Upon their return, the director of the school brought in two birthday cakes. It was time to celebrate the woman who cleaned the entire school each and every day, all day long. The kids all piled into the room with great excitement and as the birthday celebration began, I could feel an unbelievable amount of love, appreciation, presence and gratitude in the room. The kids gathered into a circle as one of the teachers brought in this amazing woman- I watched her face as she walked in the door filled with equal amount of love and appreciation.
I am not fluent in Spanish, so I don’t know what was said, but what I do know is that I have never felt such love and gratitude in a room full of people. Each person took a turn to share what they loved and appreciated about her. From the director, to the teachers, to the volunteers and the students–each and every person sharing from their heart. Once everyone had a chance to speak, she shared her gratitude and returned the love. They were there to celebrate her. In that moment, my life was changed.
Most of us struggle to feel the connection in our lives. How often do we ignore the people around us like the grocery store clerk, the homeless man on the street, but also the people closest to us in our lives each day?
I invite you to take 5 minutes a day this month to stop, pause and feel the love around you. It is already there, just waiting to be nurtured.
Your article inspired me to start today by looking around and reaching out to others. Life can be so challenging but also so rewarding.. Sometimes we need to self reflect and see who we are….then we can start believing we make a difference to someone everyday…
Robin, watching you grow and sharing your success and challenges is one of the bright spots in my life…Thank you for being you…
Indeed very inspiring. It amazes me how in the so called “emerging countries”, including Colombia my homeland, regardless of all the socio-economic problems everyday-people are simply HAPPY and enjoy life to its full extent.
Thank You so much for sharing…