Seventeen years ago today, I lost the man who brought me into this world and in that moment, a part of me died with him. Surprisingly, I didn’t even know it. The meaning of Valentine’s Day seemed forever lost and like most of us who are “doers”, I picked myself up and carried on.

My Dad had instilled a strong work ethic, values, and provided a sense of security that was never questioned until almost ten years later. Through a series of traumatic events, I was forced to awaken to the truth- I was simply going through the motions of life, not fully living the life that I knew I was meant to live.

Today, this Valentine’s Day, I celebrate life. I celebrate you. I celebrate my father, my mother, my sister. I celebrate the woman that I have become through great pain, challenges, love and miracles that I have experienced and continue to experience. I never imagined that I could find meaning, purpose and fulfillment in life. I never imagined that I could let the love in my heart out into the world. I never imagined I could feel so much love for each and every person I meet (including the eyes I look into the mirror at everyday) with fullness and strength. No matter where our paths have taken us, we are exactly where we are supposed to be.

Today, I am sending you every ounce of love and light in my heart to heal, strengthen, and love you for being you. I invite you to open to love today, to life, and to fall madly in love with yourself no matter what. You are the greatest gift in this world.