Lets face it… Sometimes life is just a mess. We attempt to plan, organize and create some kind of order so we can find time to sit back and relax. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always work. Life happens. Things get in the way. We wake up one morning, take a look around and think, “How did I get here?”

We often fail to realize that our life is a reflection of every single choice we’ve made up until this very moment. The choice to have that cheese danish or that time we skip the gym which then turns into skipping it day, after day, after day.  The larger choices such as should I move, leave this job or relationship are sometimes not even as close to importance as the smaller choices. (and yes, I know that you are most likely in disagreement with me right now!)

What if today, you made a choice to finally go to the gym. What if while there you end up meeting a new friend. This new friend introduces you to a whole new circle of friendships. Within a few months, you meet the man of your dreams and with your renewed sense of confidence; you are promoted at your job to the position you have been wanting. All because you went to the gym that one day.

This is the reality of life. Rather than living from the overly busy space in our head spouting excuse after excuse, it is time to listen to your heart. What are your goals? What are your dreams? Can you let go and allow life to step in and meet you? I look forward to seeing what you allow to unfold in your life with just ONE heart-centered choice.