
Happy 2012!

A new year inspires the opportunity for a new start.  I encourage you to take the time to reflect and hand-write a list of your strengths, weaknesses and goals. What do you wish to change? This list will provide a base line for you to measure your progress each year. Now, close your eyes and visualize what you want to create. What action can you take to fulfill your goals? [...]

By |January 1st, 2012|Goals|Comments Off on Happy 2012!

Surrender. Let go. Trust.

Fall is a time of change. It is a time that we are encouraged to go within and reflect on where we are at in our lives. Are we on target for the goals we set? Are we creating the necessary boundaries we need? Can we let go of thoughts, patterns, or relationships that no longer serve us? Accomplishing goals were always easy for me, while the words surrender, let [...]

By |October 12th, 2011|Goals|Comments Off on Surrender. Let go. Trust.

Is $ draining you?

Last week I shared the inspiring story of Howard Perl, the creator of The Barkley Pet Hotel. When you commit to finding peace within, it can open a whole new set of doors. Can you allow yourself to make the choices that will create the life that you want? One of the number one reasons many of my clients feel stuck is due to a lack of finances. Worrying about [...]

By |October 8th, 2011|Happiness|Comments Off on Is $ draining you?

Finding Peace I had the honor of meeting Howard Perl yesterday, from Delray Beach, Florida. Due to the nature of travel required in his work as a Producer, Howard spends a lot of time traveling and was unable to find a place for his dog, Barkley, that he felt a sense of peace with. To fullfill his need for peace, Howard created The Barkley Pet Hotel, a "Ritz Carlton" [...]

By |October 1st, 2011|Love, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Finding Peace

Are You Allowing? Today I was reminded to let go of my own fears and get out of my own way. It is not about what I know or do not know, think or do not think. It is about where we are in learning who we are, what is true for us, feeling the emotions that are guiding us, allowing love into our hearts and life. Today I [...]

By |May 6th, 2011|Love|Comments Off on Are You Allowing?

Letting Go…

Our thoughts create. Our outer world is a mirror of our internal world. We create resistance or flow in our lives. If you don’t believe it, I invite you to experiment with it. I was in a dark place last week and nothing seemed to be working. I finally woke up Sunday morning appreciative of the week that I had. The contrast created the desire within me to change what was [...]

By |April 21st, 2011|Mindfulness|Comments Off on Letting Go…

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Valentine’s Day is a crazy day.  We can choose to create fear or love.  Truth or fantasy. Fourteen years ago, I was a freshman in college all excited and wondering how my Valentine’s Day would unfold. What actually occurred was not in my plan.  I received a call from my Mom asking me to come home.  I enjoyed a great evening with my family not realizing everything was about to [...]

By |February 14th, 2011|Love|Comments Off on Happy Valentine’s Day!

New Year, New Decade, New You.

It is the end of another year and the beginning of not only a new year, but a new decade! 2011 can be whatever you want it to be! The secret is to believe it. To own the truth that we hold the power with each and every choice that we make. Before beginning your New Year resolutions, I recommend taking the time to reflect back on 2010. What are [...]

By |December 30th, 2010|Goals|Comments Off on New Year, New Decade, New You.
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